Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


How would you rate the overall air quality in your city?


Very Good


Very Poor

To what extent is the air pollution affecting you?

Affected a little
Severely Affected

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


How are you (or your city) affected by air pollution? Please select all that is applicable.

Acid rain
Acute lower respiratory infections (e.g. pneumonia, acute bronchitis, etc.)
Cardiovascular diseases (e.g., ischaemic heart disease and strokes)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (e.g. chronic bronchitis, emphysema)
Crop and forest damage
Degradation of buildings/heritage structures
Difficulty in breathing/shortness in breath
Increased hospital admissions
Increased burden to healthcare system
Irritation to eyes/nose/throat
Lost days at work/school
Poor visibility/ hazy days
Reduced number of tourists
Restricted outdoor activities
Skin problems/allergies

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


Are you aware that air pollution and climate change are related environmental concerns?

Yes, I am fully aware
I have a slight understanding of the linkages
No, this is something new to me

What are the common sources of air pollution in your city? Please select all that is applicable.

Burning activities (e.g. crop residue, forest, vegetation)
Commercial and household cooking (i.e. using solid fuels)
Indoor heating
Industrial sources (e.g. manufacturing facilities)
Motor vehicles
Natural sources (e.g. dust storms, volcanic activities)
Pollution from other cities/countries
Power plants
Waste burning

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


What action have you taken to reduce your exposure to air pollution?

Wearing a mask
Staying indoors during air pollution episodes
Using air purifier indoors
Moving to another area/city

What action have you taken to reduce emissions of air pollution

Emission reduction actions
Using cleaner fuels
Implementing proper vehicle maintenance
Using public transport
Using cleaner household cooking technologies/methods
Involvement in campaigns (e.g. joining voluntary initiatives, information and education activities, etc.)

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


How do you get information on air pollution? Please select all applicable.

Broadcast media (e.g. television, radio)
Electronic media (e.g. SMS alerts, mobile apps, social media)
Published materials (e.g. newspapers, official reports)
Public advisory boards
I am not aware of any initiatives

Are you aware of any government institution/unit primarily responsible for managing air pollution in your city?

Yes, there is a dedicated government institution/unit for air quality management
I do not have an idea

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


Which of these measures are being implemented in your city? If yes, how effective are they in reducing air pollution?

Measures Not implemented Very effective Moderately effective Not effective
Using innovative and eco-friendly technologies to reduce emissions from industries and power sector
Banning crop/forest burning
Establishing city clean air plans to reduce emissions from all sectors
Implementing stringent government monitoring and penalty systems for non-compliant industries
Implementing strict waste policies in the city
Improving public transport in the city
Improving the quality of fuel for vehicles (e.g., removing lead and reducing sulfur content)
Increasing advocacies and campaigns from media and civil society
Involving citizens in reporting violators such as vehicles and industries
Sanctioning industries/facilities for any unintended harmful emissions
Sanctioning vehicles that fail emission tests
Using alternative fuels or hybrid cars
Using renewable energy (e.g., solar and wind energy) in households and commercial buildings
Planting more trees in the city

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


To what extent do the following motivate or influence you to reduce air pollution and protect the air quality in your city?

A lot A little Not at all
Availability of convenient public transportation in your city
Economic and health costs of air pollution
Financial incentives provided by the government (e.g., household energy reduction programs)
Information campaigns on air quality issues in TV/newspapers/online news
Information on health impacts of air pollution (e.g. mortality, morbidity, numbers of years lost due to ill-health)
National/local laws and regulations that address air pollution
Reducing global warming/climate change
Smog is observed in your city

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


Please express how much do you agree or disagree on the following statements.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree
Polluting companies should be fined even if it puts some jobs at risk.
Power stations and factories should switch to cleaner processes even if consumer bills and prices have to go up.
Government should do more to promote and encourage a better environment even if individual taxes have to slightly increase.
Environmental fines should be mandated as part of licensing processes for individuals (e.g. driver’s licenses), commercial (e.g. permits for businesses), and industries (e.g. permit to operate)

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


In your opinion, how much responsibility do the following have in addressing air pollution in your city?

Mostly responsible Slightly responsible Not responsible
Environment ministries/departments
Industry ministries/departments
Local community/citizens
Local or city council
Non-government organizations
Private businesses
Transportation ministries/departments

Community Perception Survey

The web-based air quality perception survey weighs in on the community’s
understanding and outlook of the air quality in the city.


Demographic questions


Male  Female


Years living in the city:  



Education Level:  

Average annual income in USD: