WHAT you can do  | Reduce emissions and reduce exposure

Everyone has a role to improve air quality. You can contribute by:

Using cleaner fuels

Carpooling or riding a bike to school/office

Getting your vehicle tested and repaired

Taking public transport

Avoiding solid fuels for cooking

Walking for short distances

Segregating, not burning, your waste

Proven solutions exist to reduce air pollution. These include:

Shifting to cleaner fuel, including

  • Banning leaded fuel
  • Reducing Benzene and Sulfur levels in fuel

Promoting or shifting to environmentally sustainable and non-motorized transport

Ensuring compliance of industries that are major emission sources

Developing a comprehensive land use plan to reduce the exposure to industry emissions

Enforcing emission reduction measures from agricultural and household sector

Developing innovative air quality communication tools to warn citizens of air pollution episodes like haze

Taking steps in reducing your risk to air pollution exposure can also be done by:

Staying indoors or wearing a mask during heavily polluted days

Install air purifiers

Reduce/Avoid prolonged or strenuous outdoor physical activities